David H Bridle

Artist | Designer | Coffee Addict


I love to help people.  I like to create, design and innovate ways to support people in their endeavours.

From web design and development, social media training, technological implementation to health & fitness.  I have a wide range of knowledge and abilities.

I have had the pleasure of travelling all over the world and meeting a diverse range of people and top performing companies giving me insights and knowledge that allows me to bring a different perspective.


Cogitating on Liminality

For a while now I have been thinking about the transitional space. The place we change, we move from one state of being to another. Our minds dimensions expanded never to return to the original state, but with a lingering memory of that previous existence. Liminal Space!

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Cogitating on Liminality

For a while now I have been thinking about the transitional space. The place we change, we move from one state of being to another. Our minds dimensions expanded never to return to the original state, but with a lingering memory of that previous existence. Liminal Space!

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V-Series: A 9 Part Series of Life

V • Series

9 Videos

Creations - Artwork & Photography